SPIRAL Issue I – Tribalism


SPIRAL is an annual publication that bridges the gap between football and culture.


Each issue is spiral bound, features a variety of paper stocks and will focus on a particular theme that ties in voices from the spheres of art, design, music and fashion.


To kickoff issue one, we’ve tackled the topic of ‘Tribalism.’ The United States is split amongst many tribes— all different, but similar in many ways. Football has historically shown to be one of these great unifying forces.


We aim to both celebrate and challenge these groups, by highlighting the game’s storied, yet troublesome history; the many relics and traditions shared by fans; legendary players and superfans who have rose to mythic proportions, along with artwork and conversations the span the likes of Steven Harrington, Samantha Rapoport, Ryan Russell, Ben Lyons, Michael MacCambridge, Devin Troy Strother, and more.

Out of stock


6.5 x 9.5”

200+ pages

HALFTIME mini zine

Spiral bound

Printed in the UK

ISSN 2634-1360